Thursday, October 28, 2010

As I was trimming out Lillyanna 1st school picture tonight I got goose bumps. I know it's her pic,but when I turned it to the side I had to double take b/c I thought it was my pic!!!Ha I know that she does look like me when I was a child, but I don't always see it. However, tonight made me realize, she really does look just like me, she just has brown hair! ----and speaking of hair. Everyone in my family, my mom, my sister, my sister's daughter, Elizabeth, my aunts, my cousin, most have blond hair like me. Even Craig's bro. wife, Taylor has blond hair too, not to mention Lillyanna's little bro;Jake. So Lillyanna thinks blond hair is beautiful and she hates her dark brown hair. I have to tell her how beautiful her hair is att, so I dread the days she asks my to die it blonder. Even this summer she was in the sun a lot, so it started turning blond and she was ecstatic!!! And it gets lighter att. It's just hard to believe a 5 yo could have such a complex about hair. She only picks the blond barbies and baby dolls. So this summer for her birthday, she got her 1st AMERICAN GIRL DOLL besides the bitty twins, which she picked both to have blond hair- I purposely gave her the dark hair doll- and I continue to tell her how beautiful she is w.that gorgeous dark hair. SO when we got her pics in I am reminded of her beautiful dark hair-its so much prettier than my hair ever could be -even if she doesn't appreciate it ,now I hope one day she will learn to LOVE IT!!

1 comment:

misspooh8 said...

Speaking as a dark haired girl, with a mom that has light hair also...what she is going through is normal, I was the same way and just about everyone else I know was also. I always wanted the "yellow hair" or curly hair, I dont really know when I stopped wanting that and accepted my fate but I am sure it will come. I never colored my hair, though I am considering it now due to the grey! She is a beautiful beautiful girl with beautiful dark hair but she will be beautiful with blonde hair just like you if that is what she decides to do.